JavaScript Operators If Statement Switch Statement A Complete Guide

JS Operators If Statement Switch Statement 2025 – JavaScript operators are the building blocks of programming. They help us perform mathematical calculations, compare values, make decisions, and manipulate data.

JS Operators If Statement Switch Statement 2025

Imagine JavaScript as a kitchen and operators as cooking tools—like knives for cutting, mixers for blending, and ovens for baking. Each tool has a purpose, just like operators in JavaScript.

What Are JavaScript Operators?

In JavaScript, operators are symbols that perform operations on variables or values.

For example:

let a = 10 + 5; // ‘+’ is an operator that adds 10 and 5
console.log(a); // Output: 15

Here, + is an operator that adds 10 and 5.

Types of JavaScript Operators

types of operators

JavaScript has different types of operators:

  1. Arithmetic Operators (For calculations)
  2. Assignment Operators (For assigning values)
  3. Comparison Operators (For comparing values)
  4. Logical Operators (For making decisions)
  5. Bitwise Operators (For low-level operations)
  6. Ternary Operator (Shortcut for conditions)
  7. String Operators (For working with text)
  8. Type Operators (For checking data types)

Let’s understand each type with simple real-life examples.

1. Arithmetic Operators (For Calculations)

Arithmetic operators help in basic mathematical calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: Daily Life – Shopping

Imagine you bought 3 apples and 2 oranges. How many fruits do you have?

let apples = 3;
let oranges = 2;
let totalFruits = apples + oranges; 
console.log(totalFruits); // Output: 5

Common Arithmetic Operators:

+Addition10 + 515
-Subtraction10 - 55
*Multiplication10 * 550
/Division10 / 52
%Modulus (Remainder)10 % 31
++Incrementx++x + 1
--Decrementx--x - 1

2. Assignment Operators (For Storing Values)

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

Example: Daily Life – Saving Money

Imagine you have ₹100 and you add ₹50 more. How much do you have now?

let money = 100;  
money += 50;  // Same as money = money + 50
console.log(money); // Output: 150

Common Assignment Operators:

OperatorMeaningExampleSame As
=Assign valuex = 10x = 10
+=Add and assignx += 5x = x + 5
-=Subtract and assignx -= 5x = x - 5
*=Multiply and assignx *= 5x = x * 5
/=Divide and assignx /= 5x = x / 5

3. Comparison Operators (For Checking Conditions)

Comparison operators compare values and return true or false.

Example: Daily Life – Age Check for Voting

In India, you can vote if you’re 18 or older.

let age = 20;
console.log(age >= 18); // Output: true

Common Comparison Operators:

==Equal to10 == "10"true
===Strictly equal10 === "10"false
!=Not equal10 != 5true
>Greater than10 > 5true
<Less than10 < 5false

4. Logical Operators (For Decision Making)

Logical operators combine multiple conditions.

Example: Daily Life – Can You Drive?

To drive a car, you need to be 18+ and have a license.

let age = 19;
let hasLicense = true;
console.log(age >= 18 && hasLicense); // Output: true

Common Logical Operators:

&&AND (Both true)true && falsefalse
``OR (At least one true)
!NOT (Reverse)!truefalse

5. Bitwise Operators (For Low-Level Operations)

Used in advanced programming for binary calculations.


console.log(5 & 1); // Output: 1 (Binary AND)

(Not commonly used in daily programming.)

6. Ternary Operator (Shortcut for Conditions)

The ternary operator (? :) is a shorter way to write if-else conditions.

Example: Can You Enter a Club?

let age = 20;
let access = age >= 18 ? "Allowed" : "Not Allowed";
console.log(access); // Output: Allowed

Short and useful!

7. String Operators (For Text Manipulation)


let firstName = "John";
let lastName = "Doe";
console.log(firstName + " " + lastName); // Output: John Doe

8. Type Operators (Checking Data Types)


console.log(typeof 42); // Output: number
console.log(typeof "Hello"); // Output: string


Q1. What is the most used JavaScript operator?

The assignment operator (=) is the most commonly used operator in JavaScript.

Q2. What is the difference between == and ===?

== compares values without checking type, but === compares both value and type.

Q3. Which operator is best for checking conditions?

The ternary operator (? :) is a great shortcut for simple conditions.

JavaScript If Statements

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that helps us create dynamic and interactive websites. One of the most essential parts of JavaScript is decision-making, and this is where the if statement comes in.

The if statement is like a traffic signal—it decides whether to go, stop, or wait based on conditions.

JavaScript If Statements

What is the JavaScript If Statement?

In JavaScript, an if statement helps in decision-making. It checks a condition, and if the condition is true, it runs a block of code.

Syntax of if Statement:

if (condition) {
   // Code to execute if the condition is true

Why is If Statement Important?

Imagine you are at a traffic signal:

  • If the light is green, you move forward.
  • If the light is red, you stop.
  • If the light is yellow, you slow down.

This is exactly how an if statement works! It checks a condition and decides what to do next.

Types of If Statements in JavaScript

  1. Simple if statement
  2. if…else statement
  3. if…else if…else statement
  4. Nested if statement
  5. Ternary operator (Short if statement)

Let’s explore each one with real-life examples.

1. Simple If Statement

The simple if statement runs code only if the condition is true.

Example: Daily Life – Checking Weather

You decide to carry an umbrella if it’s raining.

let isRaining = true;

if (isRaining) {
    console.log("Take an umbrella! ");

// Output: Take an umbrella! 


  • The program checks if isRaining is true.
  • Since it is true, it prints the message.
  • If isRaining was false, nothing would happen.

2. If…Else Statement

The if…else statement runs one block of code if the condition is true and another if the condition is false.

Example: Daily Life – Checking Exam Result

If a student scores above 40, they pass; otherwise, they fail.

let marks = 45;

if (marks >= 40) {
    console.log("Congratulations! You passed! ");
} else {
    console.log("Sorry, you failed. Try again! ");

// Output: Congratulations! You passed! 


  • The program checks if marks >= 40.
  • If true, it prints “You passed!”
  • If false, it prints “You failed!”

3. If…Else If…Else Statement

When there are multiple conditions, we use if…else if…else.

Example: Daily Life – Checking Temperature

  • If the temperature is above 30°C, it’s hot.
  • If it’s between 20-30°C, it’s pleasant.
  • If it’s below 20°C, it’s cold.
let temperature = 25;

if (temperature > 30) {
    console.log("It's hot! Drink water. 🥵");
} else if (temperature >= 20 && temperature <= 30) {
    console.log("The weather is pleasant! ");
} else {
    console.log("It's cold! Wear a jacket. ");

// Output: The weather is pleasant! 


  • The program checks the temperature range and prints the appropriate message.

4. Nested If Statement

A nested if statement is an if statement inside another if statement.

Example: Daily Life – ATM Withdrawal

  • You can withdraw money only if:
    • Your account has enough balance, and
    • The ATM has cash.
let balance = 5000;
let withdrawalAmount = 2000;
let atmHasCash = true;

if (balance >= withdrawalAmount) {
    if (atmHasCash) {
        console.log("Transaction successful! ");
    } else {
        console.log("ATM is out of cash. Try another one.");
} else {
    console.log("Insufficient balance. Deposit more money.");

// Output: Transaction successful! 


  • The program first checks if you have enough balance.
  • Then, it checks if the ATM has cash before allowing withdrawal.

5. Ternary Operator (Short If Statement)

The ternary operator (? :) is a shortcut for if...else.

Example: Daily Life – Checking Voting Eligibility

let age = 18;
let canVote = (age >= 18) ? "You can vote! 🗳️" : "You cannot vote yet.";


// Output: You can vote! 🗳️


  • The ternary operator checks age and returns a message in one line instead of using if...else.

Key Differences Between If Statements

TypeUse CaseExample
ifWhen there is one conditionIf it’s raining, take an umbrella.
if...elseWhen there are two optionsIf you pass the exam, celebrate; otherwise, study again.
if...else if...elseWhen there are multiple conditionsCheck temperature (hot, cold, or pleasant).
nested ifWhen one condition depends on anotherATM withdrawal (balance + ATM cash).
ternaryShort version of if…elseCheck voting eligibility in one line.

FAQs on JavaScript If Statements

1. What is the purpose of the if statement in JavaScript?

The if statement helps in decision-making. It executes a block of code only when a specific condition is met.

2. Can we use multiple if statements together?

Yes! You can use if…else if…else for multiple conditions and nested if for dependent conditions.

3. What is the difference between if and if-else?

if only runs code when the condition is true. if…else runs one block for true and another block for false.

4. What is the difference between if and ternary operator?

if is a full statement, while ternary (? :) is a shortcut to write if...else in one line.

5. Can I write an if statement without curly braces {}?

Yes, but only if there is one line of code after if. Example:
if (x > 10) console.log("Big number!");
However, using {} is always recommended for readability.

JavaScript if statements help in decision-making.
There are five types of if statements:

  • if (Single condition)
  • if...else (Two conditions)
  • if...else if...else (Multiple conditions)
  • nested if (One condition inside another)
  • ternary operator (Short if statement)

If statements are used everywhere, from weather checks to bank transactions.
Practice different types of if statements to improve your JavaScript skills!

JavaScript Switch Statement

JavaScript provides multiple ways to make decisions in programming. One such method is the switch statement, which is often used instead of multiple if-else conditions.

JavaScript Switch Statement

What is a JavaScript Switch Statement?

A switch statement allows you to check multiple conditions in a clean and readable way. Instead of using multiple if...else if...else statements, you use switch to check different values.

Syntax of Switch Statement

switch(expression) {
    case value1:
        // Code to execute if expression === value1
    case value2:
        // Code to execute if expression === value2
        // Code to execute if no cases match
  • The expression is evaluated.
  • If a case matches, the code inside that case runs.
  • break; stops execution after a match.
  • default: runs if no cases match (like an “else” in if-else).

Why Use a Switch Instead of If-Else?

Using multiple if...else if...else statements can become long and messy.
The switch statement makes the code cleaner and easier to read.

Let’s compare:

Using If-Else:

let day = "Monday";

if (day === "Monday") {
    console.log("Start of the workweek!");
} else if (day === "Tuesday") {
    console.log("Second day of work!");
} else if (day === "Friday") {
    console.log("Weekend is near!");
} else {
    console.log("It's just another day.");

Using Switch:

switch (day) {
    case "Monday":
        console.log("Start of the workweek!");
    case "Tuesday":
        console.log("Second day of work!");
    case "Friday":
        console.log("Weekend is near!");
        console.log("It's just another day.");

Why is Switch Better?

Cleaner code – Easy to read and understand
Faster execution – JavaScript directly jumps to the case
Less repetition – Avoids unnecessary comparisons

Types of Switch Statements

Types of Switch Statements

  1. Basic Switch Statement
  2. Switch with Multiple Cases (Grouped Cases)
  3. Switch Without Break (Fall-through)
  4. Switch with Default Case
  5. Switch with Expressions

Let’s explore each one with real-life examples!

1. Basic Switch Statement

Example: Choosing a Beverage

Imagine ordering a drink at a cafe:

let drink = "Tea";

switch (drink) {
    case "Coffee":
        console.log("Here is your Coffee ");
    case "Tea":
        console.log("Here is your Tea ");
    case "Juice":
        console.log("Here is your Juice ");
        console.log("Sorry, we don't have that drink.");


  • If drink === "Tea", it prints “Here is your Tea “
  • If drink === "Coffee", it prints “Here is your Coffee “
  • If drink === "Juice", it prints “Here is your Juice “
  • If the input is something else, it prints “Sorry, we don’t have that drink.”

2. Switch with Multiple Cases (Grouped Cases)

Example: Checking a Weekend or Weekday

let day = "Saturday";

switch (day) {
    case "Monday":
    case "Tuesday":
    case "Wednesday":
    case "Thursday":
    case "Friday":
        console.log("It’s a Weekday!");
    case "Saturday":
    case "Sunday":
        console.log("It’s a Weekend! ");
        console.log("Invalid day");


  • Monday to Friday share the same case (Weekday)
  • Saturday and Sunday share the same case (Weekend)

3. Switch Without Break (Fall-through Behavior)

If you don’t use break, JavaScript will execute all cases below the matched case.

Example: Checking Phone Brands

let brand = "Apple";

switch (brand) {
    case "Apple":
        console.log("Apple - Premium Brand ");
    case "Samsung":
        console.log("Samsung - Reliable Choice ");
    case "OnePlus":
        console.log("OnePlus - Value for Money ");
        console.log("Unknown Brand");


Apple - Premium Brand 
Samsung - Reliable Choice 
OnePlus - Value for Money 


  • Since there is no break, all cases below the match also execute.
  • To fix this, always use break; unless you want fall-through behavior.

4. Switch with Default Case

If no cases match, the default case runs.

Example: Checking Fruit Colors

let fruit = "Mango";

switch (fruit) {
    case "Apple":
        console.log("Apples are Red ");
    case "Banana":
        console.log("Bananas are Yellow ");
        console.log("I don’t know the color of that fruit.");


  • If no cases match, it runs the default case.

5. Switch with Expressions

Switch can also evaluate mathematical expressions!

Example: Calculator

let a = 10, b = 5, operator = "+";

switch (operator) {
    case "+":
        console.log(`Result: ${a + b}`);
    case "-":
        console.log(`Result: ${a - b}`);
    case "*":
        console.log(`Result: ${a * b}`);
    case "/":
        console.log(`Result: ${a / b}`);
        console.log("Invalid Operator");


  • If operator === "+", it adds numbers.
  • If operator === "-", it subtracts.
  • Works like a basic calculator!

FAQs on JavaScript Switch Statement

1. What is the difference between switch and if-else?

switch is cleaner for multiple conditions, while if-else is better for complex conditions.

2. Can we use a switch for numbers?

Yes! switch works with numbers, strings, and expressions.

3. What happens if we forget break?

It falls through and executes all cases below.

4. Is default case necessary?

No, but it’s good practice to handle unexpected values.

JS Operators If Statement Switch Statement 2025 – Summary

  • Switch is useful for multiple conditions
  • Easier to read than if-else
  • Use break to stop execution
  • Default handles unmatched cases

Start using switch statements in your JavaScript projects today!

  • JavaScript operators help us perform calculations, assign values, compare data, and make decisions.
  • Use arithmetic operators for math, comparison operators for conditions, and logical operators for decision-making.
  • Prefer ternary operators for short conditions and assignment operators for updating values.

Understanding operators makes coding easier! Keep practicing and happy coding!

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